Sunday, January 29, 2006

this saturday was lazy day, we just rent a couple of dvd's ( 4 brothers, american pie and the exorcism of emelie rose ) and watch them. For breakfast we made some crepes and for dinner we ate pizza...

Saturday, January 28, 2006

today we went to sac, to celebrate chinese new year, had crab and some other overpriced stuff and during the night i decided to chase my girlfirend and take some closeups with my zoom, whats kinda difficult was, because the zoom has a minimum distance to focus of 4 feet. Afterwards we played a couple of minutes with gimp and finally got a nice picture.

Monday, January 23, 2006

this sunday we finally managed it to go together snowboarding at thahoe. It was just awesome and during the breaks we were talking a little bit about hte future and decided, would'nt it nice to move in all together?

so the plan up to now, we have 3 couples and a 4 bedroom house is 1200$ in a nicer part of sacramento. It's located 15 minutes awy from davis. After we did some math, we found out that we pay arroun 200 - 300$ rent a person. Whats compared to now is way cheaper and the house is nicer.

lets see what happens.

i also found my new car. The question now, do I want to lease a car next year? And I can't sell my truck for several reasons. Like I need a big car for snowboarding and windsurfing.

 Posted by Picasa

Friday, January 20, 2006

I think I'm way to stupid, I could spend the weekend in san diego, but no I have to work in Davis. I could stay longer at work, but no I had to leave. I could have gone straight home, but no I had to go too starbucks, I could have use the seatbelt, but no I thaught it's just 200 yards. I could have stop when the signal turned yellow, but no I had to go over it. I even could do this in the left lane, but no I was in the middle lane.result:redlight violation: 400$changing lanes in intersetion area: ?,not using seatbelt: 60$total >500 $ fine and a couple of points and a higher insurance rate.

if I just stayed home and in bed, I wouldn't feel so stupid at all. Could'nt I have wait this 5 minutes? Posted by Picasa

after Iplayed with my cameras over 2 weeks and shot nearly 2000 pictures I decided to play a little bit with close up's. I don't want to call it macro, just because my focus range is at 3 feet with my 300m zoom. But the details are looking quite good.

...time to clean the knob I would say... Posted by Picasa

Thursday, January 19, 2006

how should I say this, I'm moving away from the holy grail of java and writing programms in C#...

yes I aways wanted to learn some more languages like python or ruby, but why I'm learning I think the reason is that you can extend windows so easily with functions.

A small example of a problem I had. My users have to import files into my database as easy as possible. So I thaught it would be nice to extend the explorer by a button import.... I finally figured out its way easier, write a small programm and put it into the send to folder. So I developed a webservice and its only a handfull code, not like java where you have to work for your mony. No it was just 10 lines of quellcode.....

...the world is way to evil, and c# looks ugly....

Monday, January 16, 2006

At sunday we went to lake Berryessa and Sacramento. Berryessa is an artifical lake on the route 128 on the way to Nappa and its a really need drive, but not mucht to see.

Sacramento on the other hand is a normal big ugly city with one or two nice locations. We found one...

pics of sac are herePosted by Picasa

something about my style of pictures

so the most people are asking them self now, why are all these pictures in this special style, called septia. Maybe I like this style and it gives them an interessting touch. For example which picture is nicer?

the black white modus is just way to cold and is better for portraits anyways. The sepia is kinda warm and looks interessting and the original, is just boring and didn't say anything. except for look its foggy out here and I'm a tree.

but sometimes if you want to show someting with nice colors at a sunny day, for example macro shots from plants, you won't choose sepia.

in this example its obious, the natural flower is the nicest one. And black&sepia are just looking wrong. Another really good example are clouds.

so cunclusion, for landscapes sepia can look nice and should be used very carfully with everything else?

What are you doing on a nice rainy saturday? After a short stop in Walnut Creek I drove to San Francisco to pick 2 of my friends up and made with them a tour throw San Francisco. The traffic was like ever well organized, means the half city was shutdown and the other half was pissed and vrowed because of this. A while later and 68 pictures, my cam tol me, no more memory, please insert another card, wtf. I need a bigger SD Card 512MB are to small and to get all 45 minutes the laptop and transfer the data, it sucks. So I made some calculations, a fast SD Card with 512 MB cost 80$, with 1GB cost 130$, 2GB cost 250$ and a palm lifedrive which can hold 4 GB (and is an organizer) cost 400$. So the question is what should I get, a portable storage solution, which can hold 400 picures, or some more
SD cards which can only hold pictures? The problem is just that I'm broke, don't want to spend anymore money and affraid about the lifedrive, because it has so bad reviews.... And don't really need a palm, its just nicer to carry arround instead of a laptop and is the same price like 2 sd cards. We shoot close to 3 GB pictures this weekend.

anyway, after we left San Francisco, we went to Vacaville (middle of nowhere) because stepan and katja have to go shopping... a while later, actually a long time later we finally got to davis (next to the middle of nowhere), made dinner and afterwards we went to the graduate for country night... was interressting.

other pictures from SF you can find under: here

Friday, January 13, 2006

It was thursday night a 3 am in the morning and I just got of work. So I decided to make a small test of the camera in the dark. To see how it performs with long time exposures. 5 Minutes later a police officer stopped next to me and asked me what I'm doing. Taking photograph? I thought this was obvious, because my tripod is not really small and has a cam on top of it. So I said yes I making pictures, no I'm not stalking my neighbours, yes I will be quit and so one. By the way the pictures are shot in front of my house. Posted by Picasa

today I got my zoom lens for my camera and it is very nice to have a range from 70 mm - 300 mm. I know that you cant expect wonders from a cheap 200$ lens, but the couple of test pictures i took are ok so far. The really nice thing is that on my D50 the lens is similar to a 105 - 450 mm objectiv. So you get a really long range.

The main problem right now is just it don't fit into my camera bag attached to the cam, so I have to get a camera bag too. I'm thinking about something like this or this.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

I recieved my new Nikon D50 couple of days ago and the first thing I tried out was to see how fast it is. I was pretty impressed. It is not the D70s I originally wanted, because the D70s is slightly faster and provides a preview for the field of depth, but I don't pay 300$ more just for this features and the slightly better handling. So i think I will spend this money on a better lens.

by the way, sorry kitty for chasing you arround the block, I will do it again.