Wednesday, September 17, 2008

ok correction,

the damn flash has so many different modes, I was not in TTL, I was in something else. The TTL mode actually works extremely well and I can see me using it for the first time. So in 'A' mode I need to use an exposure comensation of +1 and in TTL mode it's just perfect.

We will see how it performs during soccer tomorrow.

But I really need to read the manual, anyway back to work.


my toys arrived 2 days before there estimated delivery and the SB-900 flash is quite a novel of technology. I did not bother yet to read the manual, but I got quite some nice pictures with just playing around with it, except it underexposes by 1 stop, which is kinda sad. But this underexposure could also be related to the use of Tamron lenses and I need to test it a bit more with some Nikon lenses.

A really nice feature is that it calculates the maximum reach for you based on your entered settings. Like ISO and aperture.

Now I just need to find a model to test some 3 light setups...

I finally found a really good review for a panoramic head which explains how to use these things and what's the idea behind it.


it look's indeed much better and cheaper than the bogen variation, but I just don't get point how to level this thing in the first place. I mean it's nice to have a level build in, but how do you actually level it?

Specially the whole thing is so simple constructed, nothing can break and the indentation rings are such a nice and simple idea.