since I decided to not eat out this month, I have to cook more myself. Not that this is going to be much cheaper in anyway. But definitely tasty.
So this night I decided to provide the roommates with some good old roasted tenderloin. Which is a rather simple and so tasty dish.
As sides we had garlic mashed potatoes and sauteed bell peppers.
the onions are chopped, and being sauteed with balsamic vinegar and some brown sugar.
the next step is to cover the tenderloin with the now sweet onions and let it sit in the oven for the next 45 minutes.
which turned into this rather tasty dish.
and tomorrow night it's pizza time.
I really need to work on my food photography. All the pictures are a touch blurry. But tasty food was tonight more important, than correct lighting.
I do have to say with these colors, I should had used more red bell pepper and not 50/50 red and yellow. It would had improved the presentation quite a bit.