here we got an example of the pictures I like to archive. The subject, in this case the priceless model amber, is nice and sharp and the background is nice and blurry so that we have a perfect isolation.
This can be archived over the used aperature + focal lens + distance from background.
Btw I didn't take this picture, martin played with my camera and happend to stalk this perfect stranger who happened to be his girlfriend.
Hier haben wir ein beispiel was fuer Bilder ich haben will. Das Model war in diesem Falle Amber und die Abbildung ist scharf und der Hintergrund unscharf. Um diesen Effekt zu erreichen muss man wissen das es 3 Parameter gibt. Die Blende, die Brennweite und die Distanze zum Hintergrund. Je groesser die Blende und je laenger die Brennweite umso besser ist der Fordergrund vom Hintergrund getrennt.
Das Bild wurde uebrigens von martin geschossen und das Motiv ist amber seine Freundin.
Sunday, October 28, 2007
mhm after this football game I want a lens with 300mm + worse than ever.
So something like the Nikon 300mm F/4 + 1/7 tc
The sigma 100-300mm F/4 + tc
or a faster lens like the 80-200mm F/2.8 to blur out the people in the background and get shutter speeds of 1/2000s to stop the motion and get tack sharp pictures.
Would i sell my 70-300mm VR? i could and would get like 420$ for it and I paid like 470$ but I really like it because it's so small and light.
why can you spend money only once...
i need to find some nikon shooters so I can borrow stuff and don't have to buy everything. For some reason everybody and their dog uses canon...
today I spend some time with trying to establish contact's with some of the photographers I saw at the game yesterday in the hope to get, I don't know maybe some interresst in my pictures or the possibility of access to the sidelines of event's.
Den heutigen Tag verbrachte ich damit emails and diverse photographen zu schicken um kontakt herzustellen und zu sehen was fuer vorteile man mit ein paar netten worten worten haben kann. Da ich auch bekannte habe welche als security guards arbeiten sollte es moeglich sein irgendwie bilder von den seitenlinen zu schiessen. Ich brauche nur einen presse ausweis dafuer...
today I had the possibiliy to watch my first football and It was actually fun. I don't give much about the sport, but to take pictures, lots of possibilities. Specially to figure out what the right focus mode is to get nice and sharp pictures.
To the left you the see the pictures I liked most and the rest you can find online under
i will defnatly watch another game and try to improve my picture taking possibilities.