Friday, August 01, 2008

grails still hates me,

the last couple of hours I tried to figure out why my multipartform did not work with g:actionsubmit as they were supposed to be. They always used "get" instead of "post" and so they failed.


You need to define this in your interceptor of the controller. It is ugly, but it works.

// temporary hack since g.actionSubmit does not work with multipart forms
if (params["_action_save"]) {
else if (params["_action_update"]) {
else if (params["_action_delete"]) {
else if (params["_action_Save"]) {
else if (params["_action_Update"]) {
else if (params["_action_Delete"]) {

you can read more about this issue here:

well it seems that my little photo set is more or less complete after 2.5 years and I'm only missing a 300mm prime, like the nikon 300mm F/4 to take wildlife pictures (which won't happen this year)

after my trading frenzy last month I ended with the nearly perfect set which is more or less future proof, since there will be a FX camera for under 1000$ in the next 4 years.

  • 1 x Nikon D80
  • 2 x SB-600 flashes
  • 1 x Nikon 50mm F/1.8
  • 1 x Nikon 35mm F/2
  • 1 x Tamron 90mm F/2.8
  • 1 x Tamron 80-200mm F/2.8
  • 1 x Tamron 1.4 TC
  • 1 x Sigma 10-20
  • 2 x lighstand + umbrella + swivel
  • 1 x Bogen Tripod with head
  • 1 x Bogen Monopod with head
several bags, filters and other stuff

Stuff which I had, sold, traded
  • Nikon 80-200mm F/2.8 push pull
  • Nikon 17-55mm F/2.8
  • Nikon 70-300mm VR
  • Nikon D50
  • Nikon 70-300mm NON VR
  • Nikon 28-80mm
  • Tamron 200-400
  • Tokina 19-35mm (still for sale)
  • 1 x Nikon MB-D80 battery grip (still up for sale, just barley use it)
Money spend after all this trading and shifting of stuff, 900$ which was 300$ more than I planned too. Yes I really wanted to have the 35m F/2 for my upcoming berlin trip...

Another interesting thing is how many pictures I took with all this stuff and actualy kept
  • Nikon D50, 15000 pictures taken
  • Nikon D80, 9000 pictures taken
Of these 24000 pictures I kept 2000 pictures on my harddrive, without a backup which I really have to change and uploaded 360 pictures.

If I would have taken these pictures with classical analog film and had it developed (no prints!) it would had been 11000$ developement cost for the negatives.

Now my photo equipment cost roughly 3000$ and has a resale value of ca 2500$ (better than my car!), which translates into 16c per picture, which is not to bad.

why do I do this calculation? To convince myself to stop spending money on camera gear and actually travel more. I'm also really bored right now and sleep deprived.

...but hey I spend 1800$ on beds so far, which have a resale value of maybe 100 - 200$...

oh grails why do you hate me...

ok the last couple of days I was trying to get grails + a webservice server + a webservice client running. So my first choice was the xfire plugin which worked great.

Now I wanted to create a client in grails to access one of my services. So lets use groovy ws for this. Well nice thinking, but like always you get fancy exception and reading onlien just tells you that they are not compatible.

Basically thats the exception you get:

org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.InvokerInvocationException: java.lang.LinkageError: loader constraints violated when linking javax/xml/namespace/QName class

with some pages of stack trace. Now I was tracing down all the jars and try to resolve this conflict which worked out somehow.

It turned out you need to delete some jars, if you use groovyws and the xfire plugin in the same grails application.

so go ahead and remove these two jars from the plugins/xfire***/lib directory

  • stax-api-1.0.1.jar
  • jsr173_api-1.0.jar
Now you can restart your grails application and it should work.

And least it did for me.

yay I just won my first game of chess against the computer in a long long time

[Event "Casual Game"]
[Site "San Francisco, U.S.A."]
[Date "2008.08.01"]
[Round "-"]
[White ", wohlgemuth"]
[Black "Apple Chess 2.3"]
[Result "1-0"]
[Time "00:29:20"]
[BlackType: "program"]

1. e4 e5
2. Nc3 Nf6
3. Nf3 Nc6
4. d4 exd4
5. Nxd4 Nxd4
6. Qxd4 d6
7. Nd5 c5
8. Qa4 b5
9. Qxb5 Bd7
10. Qb7 Nxe4
11. Nc7 Ke7
12. Nxa8 Qa5
13. c3 f5
14. b4 cxb4
15. cxb4 Qe5
16. Be2 Qxa1
17. O-O Qxa2
18. f3 Qxe2
19. fxe4 fxe4
20. Bg5 Ke8
21. Nc7

thanks to the power of long island ice teas...