Monday, August 20, 2007

And it happened again, I got another message from the stock agency I want to join with following text...

We found the overall composition of your lighting could be improved. Technical aspects that can affect the overall quality of lighting are: direct on camera flash, flat/dull colors, blown-out highlights, harsh reflection, shadows or lens flares. These all can limit the usefulness of a file. Try shooting in natural light or bouncing the flash from a reflective surface and/or using a custom white balance.

+ Please replace this sample so we may continue to review your application. Thank You.

which means I improved my technique, they at least approved 2 of 3 pictures, so only one to go till I finally get accepted. But this also tells me all the pictures I took so far are not suitable for sales.

At least I can still use the excuse Art != Stock. I start to understand whats the difference is.

On the top is one of the "Lab series" pictures straight out of camera and after slight adjustments in light room.


Und ich habe schon wieder eine Ablehnung meiner "Stock" Agentur bekommen. Diesmal hat ihnen meine Ausleuchtung nicht gefallen. Hauptproblem war das dass Bild etwas überbelichtet war. Allerdings war das eigentlich Absicht.

Jedenfalls fange ich an den unterschied zwischen Kunst und Stock zuerkennen. Stock ist vom Prinzip her nichts weiter als Bilder für Advertising.

...zeit für einen neuen Versuch.

Dies war das Bild was ihnen nicht gefallen hat