Saturday, December 09, 2006

it looks like I'm getting somewhere with my photo stuff. More and more people are telling me that I take wounder full pictures and I even sold pictures...

na I sold only 3 pictures so far, but its a start.

anyway time to take an old pictures which I took when I got my camera and analyze it.

Ok whats wrong with this picture?

  • the white balance is off cause of the lamp in the background
  • its very unsharp, problem is the cheap tripod which I had at this time and the long exposure
  • there is no clear defined goal in this picture, where I'm looking at, what gives me this picture
  • the crop is kinda bad, we could need more space on the right site and take off some of the top part
so what can we do in post processing to optimize it
  • we can change the crop
  • we can sharpen it a little
  • we change the whitebalance
  • we can convert it to blacl&white to give it a better mood and play with the contrast