so we are back in davis and I learned something new.
I seem to like camping and honestly after buying all this stuff I had no real choice. But yes it was a lot of fun.
lessons learned:
- my stomach can't handle only dried fruit, I need fresh stuff too
- contacts worked surprisingly well, but quite a hassle in the morning/midnight
- getting the brightest light I could find was an awesome idea. I actually could see something in the dark
- ebooks and rivers are a bad combination. Get a waterproof bag for it
- camera and rivers are a really bad combination, I found some great spots and couldn't get there with the camera, get a waterproof bag...
- using only 2 lenses was a great idea, 35mm F/2 and 90mm F/2.8 worked very well, but I could had used something in the 20mm range like this
- buying the right equipment the first time was a really good idea, it was expensive but I will have it for years.
- bringing a reflector instead of flashes was a great idea
- putting water bottles in the sun for 2 hours => hot nearly boiling water
- waterfalls => much colder than rivers => store beer here...
- do not sleep on a slope...
- lots and lots of trouts in the river => bring fishing pole next time
- if you do rock climbing during the day => bring gloves to avoid burned hands...
- portland/oregon coast in 2 weeks
- next year hawaii or yellowstone (once i got over my fear of wild animals eating me, like bears/pumas)
- Yosemite in September?
- Scotland in October?
- discovering which food is the right food
- bring more tea
Well this weekend was a bit expensive, since I had to buy all kinds of stuff, but it was a lot of fun and I wanted to get most of this stuff since a couple of years. At least now I have it and can take it on future trips.
I also managed to rent out my old apartment for the next month, not for the price I wanted. But 350$ are better than nothing.