Friday, September 28, 2007

today I finally figured out how to use unison to sync all my pc's. Basically what it does it keeps two directories in sync. In my case I want to keep my workspace at work in sync with my workspace at home.

2 days later, I managed to find out that ssh under windows just sucks and you need to use socket mode. Once done all worked perfect and it took only 4 hours to sync 4 GB over my home connection.

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Tuesday, September 25, 2007

today i read a little bit about the zen API. Basically it allows me to access my gallery using a simple webservice.

I have no idea what I going todo with this, but it's very likely that I will write a small tool to generate runtime statistics :)

a very amazing project i just found online. Shot with a nikon D200 and a Sigma 8mm lens

Sunday, September 23, 2007

to the left is a wounderfull example why a 5.6 zoom is to slow and VR does not help in every situation.

As we can see we have quiete a cluttered background and a bad sepration of the motiv and the fence. At F/2.8 I could have used a shutterspeed of 1/800 instead of 1/400 which would make sure that the ball was sharp instead of blurred by the motion.

Maybe someday I can find a nice used 180 mm F/2.8 or 80-200mm F/2.8 which fits the budget.

So far I going to stick with iso 400 or 800 and try to shoot from an angle where I don't have the problem with the background.

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during the football game i tried to use the automatic focal point detection feature. Which turned out to be not the best idea, because all pictures seem pretty unsharp.

To the left ED trying to catch, sadly I did not got the actual moment of the catch.

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saturday afternoon,
4 pm,
martins 31st birthday party,
my first time playing football. (to the left matt),
my first time taking football pictures,

So this game looks pretty retarted in TV and I will never understand why they can't design a round ball instead of this uggly weirdshapped egg,
but it's acutally quite fun to play...

...if you can call what we did playing,
we were more running around like chickens and try to catch the ball,
specially in each team maybe two player knew how to play
and the rest played for their first time
and is not able to throw the ball in a straigth line...

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Saturday, September 22, 2007

Tonigth we had the splendid idea to shoot some pic's of the aggie stadium around midnight. Which mean high iso, long exposure, large aperatures. Which also means, I want my D50 back. The nikon D80 is so bad at long exposures. I'm pretty disappointed how noisy the pictures are. I mean it should be at least as good as a D50, better model, more function, yada yada ya...

At least the best 5 shots are attached and the first time I noticed that my flash has not enough power, which was pretty sad.

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Friday, September 21, 2007

yay my first dragonfly :)

...ok the picture sucks composition wise and the lightning was also not perfect and iso 400 instead of iso 100, but its a start...

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Thursday, September 20, 2007

i finally managed to find a nice plugin for eclipse which allows code completion.

...and I even manage to make progress with the portal system, the original author managed to:

write a serlet
this generates html and java script
the java script now generates requests
the servlet listens to the request and forwards them to java script again
which now renders the webpage

...and I try to understand this and get nuts

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

After it started raining today for the first time I used the possibility to snap some pictures of clouds. it was the late afternoon and the rain just stopped.

Now I just can't decide which picture I like more. Both are taken with 1 -2 minute of each other and I used different developments for them.

Nachdem es heute begann zu regnen dachte ich es ist zeit mal wieder ein paar Landschaftsbilder zu schießen. Drum fahre ich doch mal schnell durch die Gegend und suche ein paar schöne objektive. Nun die einzigen guten Bilder waren diese beiden. Auf allen anderem waren zu viele Regentropfen zu sehen. Spricht ich muss eine Möglichkeit finden diese zu vermeiden. Nun welches der beiden Bilder ist besser gelungen?

Sigma 10-20, Nikon D80

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Monday, September 17, 2007

how to make a good tomato sauce,

what you need:

  1. concentrated tomato stuff 1 - 2 tea spoon
  2. 3 garlic gloves
  3. salt to taste
  4. pepper to taste
  5. oregano to taste
  6. thyme to taste
  7. butter quarter cube
  8. balsamic vinegar
  9. half cup of water
how to:
  1. melt the butter
  2. cut very very fine slices of garlic
  3. add the garlic to the butter
  4. add thyme + oregano
  5. let it cook 5 minutes
  6. add tomato stuff
  7. add water
  8. add salt + pepper
  9. add vinegar
  10. let it cook another 5 minutes
done and its delicious

if you got to much money, use freshly chopped herbs and dice some onions and tomatoes. Makes it even better,

my goal for the next weekend, duplicating this galleria, but improve it. For example he has wounderfull compositions, but uses mostly on camera flash as we can see on the reflections. So lets see if i can beat this.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

just a dumb picture of a bag to test how my little DIY grid works. It does the job and it's quite nice to exactly target which portions of an object you want to light.

So the quest of the bee vs the strobe continues and I read a very very interessing article about the power of the SB-600/800 vs the Alien Bee B400.
And its possible to mount the SB-600 on the large softbox from alien bee.

quote from link

Large Alien Bee Softbox Details:
Price: $109.95
Size: 32"x40"
Connects to flash with a speedring that is designed for camera flashes -- this must be purchased separately (or bought with the Morris softbox which includes the right kind of speedring).
Time to set up: Took me 5 minutes the first time but I estimate it will normally take 2-3 minutes to set up at most.
Pros: Large size produces wonderful, soft light (especially when used with the internal diffusion panel/baffle attached). Perfect for studio. Comes with a speedring that will fit Alien Bee strobes (this won't matter if you have no plans to buy bees, but I do, so this will save me from having to buy an Alien Bee speedring down the road). Cons: Large and bulky -- fine for studio work but slightly more of a pain on location. Does not come with a speedring that will work with your speedlight flash.

Since the SB-800's flash capacity is between that of an Alien Bee 400 and AB 800, the SB-800 + large softbox combination is a fantastic alternative to an AB + softbox, since my camera will do the metering for me and adjust automatically (no need to buy a Sekonic meter!), and it's battery-operated (no cords!) and it's controlled wirelessly by the D70 (no expensive radio trigger system!). I did buy an extra set of rechargeable batteries in case I go dead during a shoot, but I haven't needed to change mid-shoot yet.

So it seems to be very promising so far and I can get away with my tiny and portable strobes instead of heavy pink studio strobes.

It's also getting closer to Christmas and Lindsay and I are thinking about things we could give our grand parents for Christmas. Our current idea is to make a picture book with potraets from her and me. So something like 6 - 10 pages.

We want to start with this in October, so that we got November to redo everything or order a second version of the prints in case we are unhappy with the results. And I want to get the umbrella first to optimize the pictures and learn something doing it :).

I just opened my blog on the mac book pro and noticed that all my pictures show way to dark here now the big question is:

which monitor is off?

It seems that I really need to order a tool to calibrate my monitors, cause honestly this explains why all my prints are to dark or my pictures get rejected because they seem to be underexposed.

update: I just ordered a spider2 for 50$ which should calibrate all my monitors.

I also did some basic math and calculated:

diy softbox: 60$ vs bought softbox: 99$
diy diffuser: 20$ vs bought diffuser: 14$ fabric + 30$ frame
diy lightstand: 15$ vs bought lightstand: 25$

somehow it makes not much sense to build everything your self. It does make sense to build your own snoots and gobos. Because it cost like 20 cent to make a snoot all you need is some duct tape and some paper...

Friday, September 14, 2007

tonight I decided to try to shoot some low key pictures and try some DIY lightning mods. Mostly grids and snoots.

So I put my little setup together to get as much as possible out of my single flash which was on full power. Which means I had several reflectors to soften the hard light from the snooted flash. Basically soft light mens, having a large lightsource close to the onject of interresst, in this case a bottle of wine. Th first reflector was basically a white sheet of paper, the second a 24" reflecto to give the bottle some shape and a gobo to block the bottle from the snoot.

We needed the gobo to avoid the tiny highlight from the flash. As you can see it stll exist, left side and just looks uggly to the nice and large reflections from the reflectors.

To the bottom you see my pattented studio

Cost factor:

black paper: 1$
tape: 2$
holding bottle of wine: 15$
paper reflector: 1$

How could this shoot be improved? No idea, I need to buy stuff to try out what works better. I will try it soon with an umbrella. only 15 days till this month is over.

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today I got the possibility to play with a canon 40D and I have to say I'm impressed. It can do 2 things I miss on my Nikon D80

  • 6 FPS
  • liveview
The 6 FPS is nice to have but not the big deal. The lifeview on the other hand is wounder full and I would love to have it. Its to 95% of my work useless but in case of macros its just wounder full for focusing and so much easier than to use the viewfinder. Specially that you can zoom in and adjust the focus in micro steps.

The reason? With the viewfinder the alignment of your eye counts to 100%, if you shift your eye, it seems that the focus shifts. You don't have the problem with an LCD display, because the angle of view is constant.

Now if you compare the price of the 40D (1200$) to the D80 (900$), if nikon would had such a camera at this time, I would had bought it instead. The newly released D300 has the same features like the 40D, but also cost 1700$ which is way to much.

I also got another rejection of istockphoto, my picture was not in focus...

Thursday, September 13, 2007

I finally managed to enter the Aggie stadium and snap off some pictures and I'm highly disappointed with them. I need to convert them to a sepia look to get any feeling into them. Ok the light was perfect (sunset) but there is just nothing to see...

So I'm also still debating with my self if I ...

a) need a second flash
b) should it be a second SB-600 from nikon (portable small flash) or an alien bee not so portable flash.

pro nikon:

  • small
  • battery powered
  • supports wireless remote configuration with my camera
pro bee:
  • powerful
  • highly customizable
  • modifier are cheaper than hot shoe attachments
  • available in fancy colors
Most likely I will go with the nikon because it's just smaller or just skip on the flash till next year before I rush any decisions

Sunday, September 09, 2007

for some reasons nothing is so difficult to shoot like roses. I never get sharp and nice looking pictures of them.

At least that's the best I could do with one flash and a reflector. A second SB-600 would be so wounderfull...

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dear god help me I'm addicted to icecream from haeagen daaz...

This also demonstrates a shot from my 3$ do it your self shooting table based on tape, paper and some string :)

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Thursday, September 06, 2007

currently I really start to consider buying an umbrella and light stand to improve my portraits.

cost for umbrella system:

- umbrella 15$
- clamp 15$
- light stand 30$

which tops out at 60$ in total which is not to bad, but on the other hand I decided to not buy any stuff this month except some gaffer's tape. I need this to build some lightning mods like you can find here. But I still try to figure out why black duct tape doesn't do the job, I mean I can't find anywhere this gaffer tape.

oh I manage to sell my vivitar flash, I should have gotten an SB-600 in the first place now I have only one flash again and will some day find the cash for a second SB-600, only 90$ to go.

maybe I overdo it a tiny bit...

...but the list of stuff I want to have get's short and shorter, why does everybody I know has to use canon :(

Saturday, September 01, 2007

currently I trying my best to understand the new "oh so cool standard ajax" and my first impression is whoever decided to mix java and java script is mentally insane.

For example I found the really cool portlet framework and trying to rewrite everything to use my existing authentication's. And boy its a freaking nightmare.

Now people could ask why do you use portlets in the first place, well they are kinda nice and I can give the user some right to arrange his own website. My final product is supposed to display some statistics of my database and provides me with a simple way to configure the database.