Friday, September 14, 2007

tonight I decided to try to shoot some low key pictures and try some DIY lightning mods. Mostly grids and snoots.

So I put my little setup together to get as much as possible out of my single flash which was on full power. Which means I had several reflectors to soften the hard light from the snooted flash. Basically soft light mens, having a large lightsource close to the onject of interresst, in this case a bottle of wine. Th first reflector was basically a white sheet of paper, the second a 24" reflecto to give the bottle some shape and a gobo to block the bottle from the snoot.

We needed the gobo to avoid the tiny highlight from the flash. As you can see it stll exist, left side and just looks uggly to the nice and large reflections from the reflectors.

To the bottom you see my pattented studio

Cost factor:

black paper: 1$
tape: 2$
holding bottle of wine: 15$
paper reflector: 1$

How could this shoot be improved? No idea, I need to buy stuff to try out what works better. I will try it soon with an umbrella. only 15 days till this month is over.

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