Saturday, September 15, 2007

I just opened my blog on the mac book pro and noticed that all my pictures show way to dark here now the big question is:

which monitor is off?

It seems that I really need to order a tool to calibrate my monitors, cause honestly this explains why all my prints are to dark or my pictures get rejected because they seem to be underexposed.

update: I just ordered a spider2 for 50$ which should calibrate all my monitors.

I also did some basic math and calculated:

diy softbox: 60$ vs bought softbox: 99$
diy diffuser: 20$ vs bought diffuser: 14$ fabric + 30$ frame
diy lightstand: 15$ vs bought lightstand: 25$

somehow it makes not much sense to build everything your self. It does make sense to build your own snoots and gobos. Because it cost like 20 cent to make a snoot all you need is some duct tape and some paper...

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