Tuesday, July 31, 2007

just playing with the 25 year ol d 200mm F/4 AIS. Which always suprises me how good this lens is. Specially for the price I pai last year, it was around 60 or 70$ and is completly manual, which means you need to:

- estimate the right exposure
- manual focus it
- estimate the exposure for the flash

which was quite easy, cause I only can use F/4 right now, otherwise the scratch becomes visible, and I just need to adjust the power of the flash.

Btw bottom picture is straight out of the D50, top picture is slightly enhanced.

I'm also really impressed with my database system at work, it just works right now. Scheduling/Import/Export, starting of cluster jobs, quality. All just seems to work.

So I finally can concentrate on some parts like Frontends and more statistics.

you are also never, ever supposed to google your own nickname. I use my nickname now since close to 3 names and boy I got a lot of hits with stuff I would had not expected.

- reference to photo forums, yeah I expected this
- reference to my mistake with feature pics, ok happens
- reference to my xbox gaming profile, I did not expect this, but it shows that I play not very much
- reference to work related stuff, ok seems logical
- reference to eve-online.com stuff, this now really surprises me. I was way to addicted to this game

0 references to my blog, time to change this


...maybe it's working...

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ok another week, another fight with oracle procedures.

This time I figured out that I need some materialized views to speed up my statistics. So what you do?

You create a basic script...

bla bla bla

...create materialized view ...

bla bla bla

now you execute this script and all is fine and dandy, except...

the next time you execute this script, it crashes because of the obect exists already.

A simple fix to this problem is:

--check if the view exist and if this is the case drop it first--
open get_results for 'select count(*) from all_mviews where mview_name = UPPER(''MY_FANCY_VIEW'') and owner = UPPER('''||user||''')';
fetch get_results into maxCount;
close get_results;

DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('count is: ' ||maxCount);
if maxCount > 0
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('dropping existing view');
execute immediate ('drop materialized view '||user||'.my_fancy_view');
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('no view exist with this name');
end if;

...create materialized view yada yada yada...

you can find the infos...

...about all registered views using:

select * from all_views

...about all registered materialized views

select * from all_mviews

...about all registered tables

select * from all_tables