Saturday, July 21, 2007

ok the first test of making a realistic picture with a scratch sensor as we can see we can't see anything because the aperature is to large. We used 6.3/7.1 and one flash in the top picture. As you can see you got some very hard shadows on the right side and all over the 'teddy'. For this reason we fire the second flash bounced of the the ceiling. It takes care of removing most of the unwanted shadows.

The setup was a sb-600 from the left connected over a standard pc cord and set too manual. The second flash was triggered over an optical trigger. Sadly the trigger works only once out of 5 times. Now the question is, is it related to the cheap vivatar flash or is it related to the trigger. The trigger also wont fire on my sb-600.

The main problem was that the flash both where to powerfull. Specially the vivatar, cause I can only set it to 1/16th output. The sb-600 can be set to 1/64th and can be adjusted in 1/3 ev.

So the vivitar flash does what it is supossed to be, but I could need 45 feet of pc-cord and a y-adapter so I can trigger both flash over the synccords. Which is more reliable, than the optical trigger. Basically I need to adjust the trigger so that its show directly to the sb-600 or it wont fire.

Time to make a test series at which aperature the scratch in the sensor becomes visible. I still don't understand how it happend, it makes no sense. That the specialiced cotton pads are able to scratch the sensor. Maybe it is just residue, but it certainly does not seems so. I tried to remove it with several sensor cleaning solutions, but nothing works.

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