Monday, August 14, 2006

i hate computer/cellphones/programming/databases right now

since 30 days I got every damn day another problem:

- laptop dies
- wrong parts get delivered
- phone died
- all server died at work after a power failure
- database drives me crazy with the stupid 32bit limitations
- barley any storage space and figthing for every byte here
- eclipses crashes all 5 minutes for no special reason

at least I made a nice 60km bike tour on sunday and went to bed at 3 pm, cause i was so tired. It was supposed to be a nap, but i slept until 2 am ( maybe I should have slept from saturday to sunday more than one hour...) and now I'm sitting at work because there are samples what need to be calculated by this afternoon. So no rafting for me :( (ok I wasn't sure if I go anyway, but thats not the point)

so we will see what comes next. Now I'm in the hussle to find a new phone...

smartphone or normal phone. I want basicly

- mpg3 player
- wifi
- pda
- sd slot

for not more than 300$ and for a model not older than 6 Month.

the only thing that has the features are:

palm treo 700p except for wifi
mda except for sd slot ( what should I do with mini sd, I want one standard)

at least my laptop is supposed to come today...

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