Thursday, February 03, 2011

seared ahi tuna steak -

after a 16h day at work I wanted nothing more than something tasty to eat, which doesn't need to much work reparation wise.
So after looking into the fridge I discovered that my possibilities are between...

  • trader joe's teriyaki chicken
  • pizza magherita
  • vanilla yoghurt
  • and a fresh tuna steak from the sashimi left overs
Since I just had teriyaki chicken yesterday and didn't feel like pizza there was only one possible solution. Seared Ahi Tuna with yoghurt dip.

So while taking a quick shower the tuna was happily marinating in a mixture of whiskey, olive oil, salt, pepper and sugar for about 20 minutes and than was tossed into a salted pan over medium heat. About 1.5 minutes each site provided a nice medium rare steak.

Sadly the picture does not do the tasty fish any justice...
the finished tuna steak
I think there is one knife missing in my collection. A very sharp fish knife.

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