Monday, November 23, 2009

so my currrent expirience without a car is slightly frustrating.

Example I had togo to woodland 3 times this weekend at very odd times

friday 5pm - 11pm
saturday 6am - 1pm
sunday 6am - 1pm

Now since it was ridiculous cold I ended up renting a car for these days, which translates into another 200$ spend for renting the car and gas, frustrating at best...

So I'm looking now into the so called zip cars to see how this concept works. Which is basically a car sharing approach and could be cheaper. Not sure about it yet.

Why didn't I ride my roadbike out to woodland?

It was just to cold and dark, that's the only reason. But this is something of the past. Cause after renting the car I had the possibility to go shopping at REI, Cycle gear and Ikea which translates into

  • very warm heavy jacket
  • very warm light jacket
  • very warm heavy pants
  • underarmor shirt and pants
  • a new blanket and covers (Extremely warm and comfy, but makes it harder to get up in the morning)
  • candles, gluehwein and chocolate...
  • very warm gloves
  • sturdy pair of leather gloves
  • and some other stuff
so this should keep me warm in Germany and specially here.

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